The Most Important Tips in a Semi-Truck Accident Settlement

A commercial vehicle crash is often a very devastating and catastrophic event. A crash can impact motorists as well as their loved ones and family members. In the aftermath of a crash, there are several important steps that victims should take. This includes speaking with a skilled truck accident attorney about their legal rights.

In some cases, the accident is not the most painful experience for victims. The post-accident settlement negotiations are essential. Victims who fail to take certain steps may end up agreeing to a settlement that is not in their best interest. These settlements fail to fully compensate them for the damages that they have suffered. Before you sign any documents related to your claim, here are several important points that you should keep in mind.

The Insurance Company Is Not on Your Side  The Most Important Tips in a Semi-Truck Accident Settlement

The number of truck accidents in the United States is on the rise. In 2021, 155,000 commercial vehicle accidents were reported. This was an increase of 5% over the year before and was the second-highest number reported in the last 13 years.

When a truck crash occurs, there will inevitably be an insurance company involved in settlement discussions. Victims of traffic accidents wrongfully assume that the insurance company is working for them. The reality is that the insurance company is not motivated by fairness. Their goal is to settle your case as quickly and cheaply as possible.

Following an accident, you will likely receive a phone call from the insurance adjuster. The adjuster may seem friendly. They may even offer you a quick settlement. The offer to settle may seem tempting. You can put the claim behind you and move on with your life while you focus on your healing and recovery. However, there are numerous reasons why accepting this first offer is not in your best interest.

The Cost of Future Medical Bills

Given their size and the sheer force of a crash, a truck crash can easily result in serious injuries. Along with these injuries often comes substantial medical treatment. This includes both present and future treatment. When victims are considering a settlement offer, they often fail to account for the cost of future medical care. It is quite common to have thousands of dollars in medical costs following the initial round of treatment. Settling your case without taking into account the cost of future medical treatment can leave you shorthanded and forced to come out of your own pocket for your medical costs.

Identifying All Responsible Parties

A semi-truck crash may have many contributing factors. In order to maximize your settlement and receive the full value of your claim, you should first identify all parties who are potentially responsible for the crash. Your claim against multiple parties will usually be worth more than a single party alone. The following entities could be held responsible for a truck crash:

  • Truck drivers: The first and most obvious potential responsible party is the truck driver themselves. In most truck crash cases, the accident was caused by the negligence of the driver.
  • Trucking Companies:  There are multiple theories under which a trucking company can be held responsible for the crash. One of those theories is known as respondeat superior. Under this doctrine, the trucking company is directly responsible for the acts and the negligence of its employees.
  • Truck Manufacturers: Sometimes, a truck accident can happen because of defective parts. Manufacturers whose parts are defective from the factory may be held liable if a part failure leads to an accident.
  • Mechanics: Trucks are required to undergo inspection and routine maintenance. In some cases, a mechanic may fail to conduct a thorough inspection or may not follow all recommended protocols. In these cases, injured victims can look to the mechanic for compensation.

Identifying all responsible parties is key to obtaining the full value of your claim. If the proper individuals are not brought into the case, victims are potentially leaving money on the table.

Contact a Truck Accident Lawyer as Soon as Possible

Having a truck accident attorney by your side is an invaluable resource when you are negotiating a truck accident settlement. At Burg Simpson, our national truck accident attorneys have extensive experience settling truck crash claims. We can present your claim to the insurance adjuster in the most compelling way. Our attorneys help with the following:

  • Investigating your claim: The most important part of an effective truck accident settlement is performing a thorough investigation. Having all of the facts and information allows our attorneys to present a comprehensive view of your case to the insurance company. If necessary, we will involve experts to further strengthen the merits of your case
  • Gathering EvidenceOur attorneys will gather all of the necessary evidence to present your claim in the most compelling manner.
  • Negotiating: Our firm has recovered more than 2 billion dollars for injured crash victims. We have years of experience negotiating claims on behalf of those who have been hurt in truck accidents. Having us by your side will let the insurance company know that you mean business. We will be tough and persistent in negotiating a fair value for your case.

United States Truck Crash Lawyers

At Burg Simson, our national truck crash lawyers are standing by to speak with you. We know that a truck accident can be a life-altering event for those involved. Negotiating the best settlement possible is essential to secure your future in the aftermath of a major accident. We will fight for you every step of the way as we seek a fair value for your claim.

Our firm is standing by now to take your call. We always provide free consultations and case evaluations for all potential and prospective clients. When you are in need of a tough and aggressive law firm, we will be there for you during your time of need. We handle most cases on a contingency fee basis, so there is no financial obligation until we obtain a recovery on your behalf. To speak with one of our attorneys, please reach out to us using our online intake form or give us a call at (888) 895-2080.

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