Truck Accident Statistics: A Deeper Dive

Truck accidents happen across America multiple times per day. These collisions take place across all areas, including freeways and interstates, busy city streets, and in rural areas. Crashes occur at all hours of the day and night and in a variety of weather conditions. There are certain conditions that increase the likelihood of a truck crash occurring. When these conditions are present, both truckers and other motorists are at risk of being involved in a serious accident.

Commercial trucks are large and powerful vehicles, weight up to 80,000 pounds when fully loaded with cargo. It should come as no surprise then that a truck accident can easily lead to major and life-altering injuries, including broken bones, head trauma, and even death. Under the laws of every state and jurisdiction in the country, truck accident victims may seek compensation under certain circumstances. These circumstances arise when a truck driver has caused an accident to occur due to negligence.

In this article, we will examine statistics surrounding truck accidents in America, including when and where they are most likely to occur. If you or a loved one have been injured in a commercial truck crash, you should reach out to an experienced national truck lawyer as soon as possible. You may have legal rights but you are only entitled to compensation if you properly exercise those rights.

How Common are Truck Crashes?

According to the National Security Council, there were 5,700 fatal accidents involving large trucks in 2021. This number represented an 18% increase from 2020 and nearly a 50% increase over the previous 10 years. Across the United States, truck crashes account for about 10% of all traffic-related fatalities.

In addition to fatal accidents, a total of 117,300 injury accidents involving trucks were reported in 2021. This number increased by 12% from the preceding year and represents more than a 15% increase since 2016.

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All parties involved are at risk of being hurt in a truck accident. However, according to the numbers occupants of other vehicles are most likely to be hurt or killed. The National Security Council reports that other vehicle occupants accounted for 4,149 or nearly 72% of large truck fatalities in 2021. Truck drivers made up 1,008 or approximately 17.5% of fatalities while non-occupants such as pedestrians comprised 631, or about 11% of reported deaths.

With regard to injury accidents, the numbers tell a similar story. In 2021, other vehicle occupants accounted for 71% of reported injuries, while truckers made up about 27% percent, and non-vehicle occupants were less than 2% of reported injuries.

Where are Truck Accidents Most Likely to Occur?

When we think of truck crashes, most of us tend to believe that these accidents take place on busy freeways and interstates. However, the statistics tell a slightly different story. In 2021, only 26% of truck crashes were reported on America's interstate roadways. In contrast, 74% of truck accidents happened on non-interstate roadways, such as city and county roads.

With regard to the surrounding area, a slight majority of truck accidents take place in urban areas with about 54% of crashes occurring in cities versus approximately 46% reported in rural areas of the country.

What Time Do Most Truck Crashes Occur?

Trucks, especially those traveling cross-country, are on the roads at all hours of the day and night. The trucking industry is vital to the American economy as truckers deliver goods and supplies that are used to sustain our country's lifestyle and to supply stores and warehouses with necessary products. The trucking industry is a 24/7 operation. As a result, truck accidents can take place at any time of the day.

According to data, a large majority of reported truck accidents in 2021 took place during the daytime or daylight hours. Specifically, about 65% of crashes were reported during the day while only about 35% were reported at night.

What Time of Year Do Accidents Happen?

The National Security Council maintains statistics on the number of truck crashes per month throughout the year. According to these statistics, the highest number of reported truck crashes happens in September with the lowest number occurring in February. Accidents tend to drop off in the winter months before picking up during the spring and the summer.

There is no specific explanation as to why a crash is more likely to occur during the summer and fall instead of the winter. In fact, it is somewhat counterintuitive as one might expect a higher number of accidents in winter given the poor weather conditions.

The Most Common Causes of Truck Accidents

Truck accidents can occur for a variety of reasons, including negligence and reckless driving. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, more than 80% of truck accidents are related to negligence or driver performance. From these numbers, driver decision-making leads the way in terms of accident causes. Poor decision-making includes driving too fast for the conditions, failing to brake in time, and being distracted.

Among other common accident causes are non-performance-related issues such as medical episodes, drowsy driving, or physical impairment. Also, mechanical and equipment failures account for a substantial number of truck collisions each year.

National Truck Accident Lawyers

Truck accidents can take place anywhere at any time and, unfortunately, they happen at the most unexpected times. Here at Burg Simpson, we provide legal help for victims and families in need. Our nationwide truck accident lawyers can assist you during this difficult time. We aim to provide answers for victims. This allows loved ones to gain closure and injured victims to receive the help that they need. The compensation that you receive can be used to offset many of the unexpected expenses that you are suddenly facing.

Our firm is standing by to take your call at any time. We always provide free consultations and case evaluations for all potential and prospective clients. When you need a tough and aggressive law firm you can count on us to deliver results. There is no financial obligation until we obtain a recovery on your behalf. To schedule your appointment with one of our lawyers, please reach out to us using the link on our website or give us a call at (866) 695-1325.

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